Here I have found better guide for PCG-GRT100 that goes to extreme to remove the fans from the main board. It is a perfect illustration how to disassemble each part, step by step, so one can decide to what extreme to go.
P.S. On the pictures above the computer is really in working state. The purpose was to convince the readers that the whole procedure is not difficult at all as long as you have some basic technical skills and confidence. Don't try to experiment like this the first time you open your notebook. The proper (and safe) way is to remove the battery before you open the computer. I keep doing it my way, because I think it works better to clean the dust. Once the dust is blown by the spray it is sucked and blown away by the fans, so at that point I will just advice you to be careful!
Hi, thanks for this saved me a lot of time, I have a PCG-GRT915M and its getting a bit old and dusty. thanks for this. anything else?
I assume you have seen the rest of the posts. You are welcome to contribute to the blog with anything that fits the subject - software, configurations, tips... anything that is specific for the GRT series...
hey, yea i gave a PCG-GRT915M, and i cant find that much around, iv been using it literally 24-7 for about 4 years, its getting a bit old and noisy, needs a bit of TLC really..
just a quick vacum clean did the job for me without unscrewing nothing...just the good old vacum cleaner!
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