01 May, 2015

Tellstick Duo revisited

For one or another reason I have replaced/upgraded my first Raspberry Pi (RPi) /256MB RAM/ with the latest RPi2 - the advantages are kind of obvious. I used to run the old telldus-core and now it was perfect time to upgrade it and rewrite my programs written in python with bash script using the new features in telldus-core-2.1.2.

I have tried before but failed with the device recognition and lost my patience to find the cause for the problem i.e. missing controller configuration - here is the solution.

There is really nice way to compile everything in a very clean way: instructions written in Swedish (perhaps here as well ). I got tempted to try the GUI suggested there but the repository was 5 years old which was clear NO to me.

Anyway, before I had python program running as a daemon to log selected device events and automate different switches + poor man's security monitoring solution. The only reason I was using python is to catch device and sensors triggered interrupts.