19 February, 2011

Samsung JET S8000 vs. HTC Wildfire (smarter than smart phone vs. entry level smart phone)

Or why "Samsung JET S8000" has nothing to do with "smart" or "smart phone" at all....

Ok, I could not bear it more... I got HTC Wilfire replacement... And here is just few points why.

In red color is the clear loosing side and in green - the winning.

I challenge anybody to prove me wrong in my statements!
Samsung JET S8000 HTC Wildfire
Numbers with country code and without are considered as different numbers.
My provider sends the the caller number without the code and SMS with - as result I have to add in every contact both versions in order to be recognized normally.[5,6]
This is not serious...
All my previous phones did not have this problem, even with this particular provider...
Every program group have their own Internet access profile.
Let me count: widgets, browser, GPS, Java programs, e-mail, active sync.
So, every time I was connecting to Internet I made sure that I have selected the proper profile!!!
What for?
When you turn Wifi ON, it checks for available predefined access profile and connects. One can explicitly disable the mobile provider connection or all synchronizing services... so simple and intuitive
Touch sensitivity
- resistive - simply unacceptable.[5]

Pointless to compare - capacitive.
Virtually no support for additional widgets or programs. Only Java alternatives. Just look what is available on the Android market.
Every time it connect you need to confirm the connection... Every time the connection is lost and you want to reconnect!

Automatically connects and reconnects any paired device.
Graphical interface:
Mediocre graphical interface - I really expect more from 480x800 pixels resolution...

240x320 pixels is on the border for this size screen but it is acceptable and the GUI is simply perfect.
Ridiculous lock screen - time and date. You have to unlock to see any events. Excellent. Events can be marked by flashing led as well.
Video player:
HERE the JET is unbeatable! Many formats, and large resolutions - excellent! DLNA server (I have never used it). Analog TV out (PAL&NTSC).

Wildfire is not a near match...
Music player:
- with good head phones it sound almost perfect, sound profiles, fancy art, no option to only play files in certain folder.

Simple player, art is fine, no sound profiles, good sound.
- on-line Google maps (without navigation)
- maps are locally stored
- impossible to import POI
- expensive navigation fees

- on-line Google maps and navigation

- mobile data plan(rouming) dependent
- Free off-line maps applications i.e. RMaps..
Contacts, mail and calendar synchronization
- it feels almost as gambling. I was left in two occasions without a single contact in my address book...

- absolutely flawless to sync with Gmail service.
- SMS capabilities of a regular phone and limit of about 200 SMS to store, because it stores them on the SIM card?!

- unlimited features and SMS number limited only by the storage of your phone.
Text input
- a bit small keyboard

- unlimited features
What updates?!? ...well I was lucky to get one quite easy firmware update...[4]

PC suite
Samsung New PC - bulky, does not provide full access to your phone features, no backup.
HTC Sync
I have not tested it yet...

This table will obviously continue to expand...

Anyway, the above summarizes why I think Samsung Jet S8000 is not even close to a smart phone, not even a good mobile phone. It is some sort of semi-advanced media player with phone features.

More links on the subject from the same author (make sure you read the bottom two reviews):
  1. Samsung Jet S8000: ActiveSync and Google 
  2. Samsung Jet S8000: use as modem (via Bluetooth) to connect to Internet 
  3. Samsung Jet S8000: eduroam settings
  4. Samsung Jet S8000: firmware update from NPS 
  5. Samsung Jet S8000: second round
  6. Samsung Jet S8000: my personal opinion
    P.S. I have never believed the commercial "Smarter than Smart Phone", that is obviously lie, but I never expected to be so bad... I do not associate with brands, but that particular phone felt like scream in my face ".......".