There are three fans in this model. Check the links to see some of them (if the pictures are still available). I might put my own pictures later.
Excellent snapshots from disassembled VAIO on the author's web page
You don't have to remove too much to reach the two of the fans. There is one screw on the left side that holds the black part over the keyboard (the one with the speakers). Release that, then slide left the black part - then you will be almost able to reach the second fan as well. There is one more screw in the middle that will be accessible when you remove the first (black) part, that holds the keyboard. If you unscrew that you have to just lift the keyboard - nothing to disconnect. This will be enough to clean those two fans perfectly. The one bellow the HDD -since you "know" where it is now - just air spray it through the holes from aside.
Hint: If you decide not to open the laptop use the air duster while the computer
is running and spray from beneath - in the inlet
AND AGAINST - through the outlet. You might have something stuck that can not go through the radiator! Blowing against the air flow will probably help to clean the main fan. Usually this is enough. You may try blowing through the opening just above the printer (LPT/parallel) port - there is the outlet from the second fan.
Continue reading:
GRT815M - cleaning from dust II
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