Apparently, the Unison solution that I have posted before was not very good solution after all...
Well, it worked well as expected, just it was always very slow to
index the files (well, i wanted to be safe so I am using "fastcheck = no" setting) and the file transfer was very slow as well... Probably, I should not blame Unison for that but... Anyway, here is one more solution that is more than "file synchronizations"...! Well, what about free Windows SSHFS?! Here it is - Dokan!

That simplifies everything. After installing the libraries and the SSHFS part you will be able to mount any remote folder with ssh access without any need of any additional software on the remote host (well, running ssh server is a prerequisite).
There is nothing more I need to say. You will simply have the remote folder mapped/mounted as a local drive to your Windows computer (you can select the drive letter). Then you can use any regular file synchronization software...
Note: ExpanDrive (former SftpDrive) is the shareware solution to map remote folder with ssh access.