Installs and works without problems after web update from fully patched SP2. Feels like the computer runs faster, although I have not performed any test for comparison. There is only one annoying thing - some rare
short lockups. I am not sure if this can be attributed to the upgrade since shortly after upgrading to SP3, I have switched my antivirus program from AVG Free 8.0 to Avast 4.8 Home Edition. The turning point for the change was that AVG was very slow on opening a folder full of executables - the program scans every single file before you get the icons to appear. Some time it took up to 3-4 seconds to open a folder containing a small collection of about 25 small and useful programs.
Note: Hardware and software not originally supplied with the computer:- memory upgraded to 1GB.
- hard disk replaced with 160GB - Samsung SpinPoint M5 160GB 5400RPM 8MB 2.5" (HM160HC).
- nvidia driver version - not provided as an update on the support web page.
- some original software uninstaled: SonicStage, ClickToDVD, Norton Antivirus
its good to see a fellow 815m owner.
i've had mine for what seems like an age.
the only changes carried out have been hard drives.
the original stopped working, and got swapped for a 60gb and now that ones gone and a 80gb is back in.
it was a real test to put windows back on as the bios doesnt allow external drives to be recognised(onboard cd drive is dead).
now that xp with sp3 is on, ive installed the drivers fairly easily however i cannot find the drivers for the hotkey's, volume control and the contrast and zoom buttons on the right.
if you got any information or advice for me that would be great.
I believe that these drivers are included in the "Utilities package" available on the support page in the section "Originally installed"
Great blog Uncle Scrooge! I'm in need of help and hope you can be of assistance. I own a Sony Vaio PCG-GRT360ZG w/Windows XP-Home. My Vaio can not recognize disc in Drive E.
The computer says the optical drive is working properly, but after I insert any factory CD or factory DVD, the drive blinks for a short time and stops. I've even done a System Restore trying to get it to work, but no luck. When this first began to occur, I could play CD's but not DVD's. Now it is both. I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you.
Unfortunately, I can only shear with you similar experience with my DVD drive. I do not use it very often but still I have difficulties to read DVDs. It seams that it really deteriorates with time.
There is a firmware upgrade but I have red that this make it even worse.
Personally, I am considering an alternative solution with USB to IDE converter and a regular bulky desktop DVD drive (or simply USB CD/DVD) but I have not tried yet if I can boot from the USB port.
Some other advices from my experience:
Try to clean manually the lens using an air duster or cotton swab.
I have noticed that after long use of the DVD drive some disks start to give random read errors - try to clean the disk and leave it for a while in a place where you can discharge the electrostatics. Not very scientifically based but it seams to work in most of the cases, at least for me.
Good luck and let me know if anything worked for you.
You are also very welcome to contribute with your experience if you like.
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