Connection over Bluetooth
This solution has the advantage that any computer with Bluetooth can be paired to the phone and consequently to use the phone as modem to connect to Internet via your telephone provider.This is extremely convenient for occasional uses where you need quick access to Internet from a computer - because the phone browser is not rendering the page at all (what a surprise), to use your regular e-mail client or just because you want to use the keyboard to type your message..
1) Make sure you have paired the devices, so the computer can connect to the phone.
2) In you hardware options, modem section, find something that says "Standard Modem over Bluetooth", select the advanced options and enter the following extra initialization command AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet". /make sure you have enabled the Bluetooth on the computer first/
3) The number you have to dial is "*99#" /without the quote marks/. Another alternatives, if the default does not work for you, are "*99***#", "*99***1#", "*99***2#"
4) Depending on your provider you might need to provide user and password on the dial dialog.
Note: Point 2 is specific for Samsung Jet S8000 devices. All my previous phones were just fine without this additional initialization command.
Hint: Although you might be able get Turbo3G connection on the phone, the Bluetooth connection will still remain the speed bottleneck. The latest versions of the Opera browser have the so called "Turbo" mode where the data is compressed and optimized for slow connection - just the case.
This configuration works for me at two different computers that run WinXP SP3, with Jet firmware S8000XPJA1.
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